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Struggle Over Regret

Anything less than a determined, unwavering decision is really just a wish. People are making New Year's wishes. People are making New Year's whims, not New Year's resolutions because whatever you're resolute about, there's nothing wishful about it, there's nothing hopeful. You're determined it's going to happen. Come hell or high water, you are going to make this happen. So, are you willing to be pushed to the wall to be able to say, come hell in high water, I'm going after what I want? I will figure it out no matter how long it takes me. I would rather live with the struggle than live with the regret. The struggle is far better. Yes, it's painful, but it's a sweet pain. There's nothing in life that you will achieve of any significance that doesn't come without struggle. Struggle is just a part of it. You have to pay the price. Are you willing to follow through on your decision, on your commitment, on your resolution? Are you ready to embrace the struggle or would you rather live with the regret?