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Long-Term Solutions

A big problem with those who deal with anxiety is when they don’t have a long-term solution. Understandably, they would focus on short-term solutions like medications to deal with the overwhelming nature of anxiety, but real deliverance is only found in something long-term.


The typical argument is that anxiety and depression are chemical, so the solutions need to be based upon the chemical support of medication.


If someone’s anxiety issues are severe, then they may need medication for a period of time in order to stabilize themselves. Much like a trauma patient in an emergency room need to be stabilized before any surgery can be done.


I don’t have a problem with medication so long as there is a strategy to it and a deadline. Medication is hopefully not a long-term solution.


I’m hard-pressed to find someone who is serious about their personal development; who is very informed and diligent about their nutrition; and who trains vigorously, that is contending with severe depression or anxiety. Maybe they exist, but I haven’t met any.